Home/00 2300 Road, Eudora, KS – 66049

00 2300 Road

00 2300 Road, Eudora, KS – 66049

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  • Land

    Property Type


This property can be your Private Park. It’s like a Living Laboratory for biology and exploration. Eastern deciduous forest / Oak-Hickory forest with numerous trees and other plant species and “Captain Creek” meanders across the property providing water for the wildlife and riparian habitat. There is wildlife galore! This is is an excellent location to hear and view Pileated Woodpeckers, Barred Owls and enjoy spring Warbler migration as well as enjoying birds and mammals all times of the year, from whitetail deer, fox squirrels and possibly flying squirrels to red and grey fox, bobcats and more. And there are native grasses, sedges and wildflowers. There is an open field area of 1.5 acres+/- with grasses and wildflowers that could be hayed. The entire 6.3 acre property is in the flood plain, but you don’t need a permanent building to enjoy a picnic, camping, hiking and exploring on weekends or just a quick hike or campfire in the evening as it is only 7 miles South of the Eudora Middle School and 15 miles from Lawrence. There is less than one mile of gravel when driving from the North.

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